a brand new styleguide: Buttons


Besides normal Foundation buttons, you can also specify green and pink buttons.

Primary Buttons:

  • primary buttons
    .button Normal button
    .btn-green Green button
    .btn-pink Pink button
  • Normal button
    Green button
    Pink button

Secondary Buttons:

  • secondary buttons
    .btn-border Button with border
    .btn-hollow-green Green hollow button
    .btn-hollow-white-green White/green hollow button
  • Button with border
    Green hollow button
    White/green hollow button

Call to Actions:

You can add an arrow to your button by adding the class .cta

Form Submit Buttons

For CTAs on form submit buttons, use <button></button> elements rather than default <input type="submit">

Using Rails form_for
= f.button "button text", id: "some_id", class: "button cta"
Using Simple_Form
= f.button :button, "button text", id: "if you want an id", class: "button cta"

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